2 research outputs found

    Neural Proloterapi

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    Terapi nyeri dengan injeksi regeneratif merupakan terapi yang mulai berkembang dengan pesat dalam kurun waktu ini. Ilmu pengetahuan dasar dan penelitian klinis terbaru menunjukkan kalau injeksi larutan dekstrosa dapat mengurangi rasa sakit, meningkatkan fungsi keseluruhan dan mengembalikan fungsi jaringan ikat yang rusak kembali menjadi normal. Walaupun mekanisme aksi dekstrosa belum dipahami dengan baik pada tingkat sel, uji klinis telah melaporkan efek klinis positif dibandingkan dengan kontrol injeksi buta. Salah satu teknik regenerasi aktif injeksi yang mulai dilirik para peneliti adalah neural proloterapi (NP). Berbagai penelitian dan laporan kasus mulai bermunculan dan menunjukkan bahwa NP dapat dilakukan baik sebagai penanganan alternatif maupun penanganan utama dalam berbagai kasus penyakit dan berbagai kondisi yang disertai nyeri kronik. Keuntungan utama pendekatan teknik NP selain memerlukan biaya yang murah, tingkat keamanan yang tinggi dan kemudahan teknik juga dapat dipertimbangkan

    Technical Guidance Effectiveness In Increasing Teacher Pedagogical Competence

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Technical Guidance in increasing the competence of pedagogic teachers, which students of the Doctoral Program in Education Sciences, Islamic University of Nusantara Bandung, have carried out. Data obtained from the implementation of Technical Guidance, among others: 1). Internal and External Conditions of Technical Guidance Participants; 2) Technical Guidance Participant Pedagogic Competency Conditions; 3). The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Technical Guidance. Several conditions affect the ineffectiveness of the guidance process, including 1). Participants already have Self-Efficacy; 2). Participants already have a task orientation and focus; 3). Participants already have a direction toward Goals and Results; 4). Participants already have an attitude of empathy and solidarity; 5). Participants already have a collaborative and cooperative attitude. Meanwhile, data on teacher pedagogic competence was reflected in the Participant's answers related to the material for the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project. From all the answers of Technical Guidance Participants, it is known that the average percentage of correct answers is 85.06%, with an average number of participants of 260. This is improved so that the competence of teachers related to the learning understanding of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project is increasing with the existence of Technical Guidance. Finally, the effectiveness of the implementation of the Technical Guidance presentation from the Participant's answers about their participation, the Technical Guidance material delivered, the ease of understanding the Technical Guidance material, very competent resource persons, and the calmness of the Participants in fulfilling the tasks of the Presenters